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2005 Route 88, Brick, NJ 08724 732.840.9272

Aldo McCoy's 57 Chevrolet Bel-Air

The gold etching on the back of the 57 Bel-Air comemorating 9-11.

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Aldo McCoy.  I recently completed a four year Pro Street project which is a 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air.  I wanted to build something special and I did.  A red, white, and blue striped vehicle with silver stars with the Twin Towers etched into the back window. This Big Block Chevy is nitrous-oxide fed and ready for America to view.  It is something people will be proud of, and tell their friends and family about.  It has been custom built and designed to commemorate the 9/11 tragedy -- to honor the victims, heroes, and their families.......for years to come. God Bless America.



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